Please visit the official Apache ECharts Website at

Visit Official Website


Free to choose to download different versions, different topics, the map data you need. You can be customized according to your needs.

Apache EChartsTM

Option 1: Install from downloaded source code or binary

VersionRelease DateDownload Source from a MirrorDist files on GitHub

Note: when downloading from a mirror please check the SHA-512 and verify the OpenPGP compatible signature from the main Apache site. Links are provided above (next to the release download link). This KEYS file contains the public keys used for signing release. It is recommended that (when possible) a web of trust is used to confirm the identity of these keys.

To verify ECharts releases using GPG:

  1. Download the release from a mirror site.
  2. Download the checksum from Apache.
  3. Download the ECharts KEYS file.
  4. gpg –import KEYS
  5. gpg –verify

To perform a quick check using SHA-512:

  1. Download the release from a mirror site.
  2. Download the checksum from Apache.
  3. shasum -a 512


Apache ECharts is licensed under Apache License 2.0.

Option 2: Install from npm

npm install echarts

Option 3: Custom Build


Choose the features you want and build the file online.

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